Photos And Useful Information About Vereker Outlook – Wilsons Promontory
Wilsons Promontory National Park is an environmentally friendly, diverse wilderness area at the south-eastern tip of Australia, with excellent walking tracks, incredible views, unusual features and beautiful scenery. It’s also a wonderful place to go for bush walks and take photographs – at any time of year.
How To Get To Vereker Outlook – The turnoff to Vereker Outlook at Wilsons Promontory, is a few kilometres from the Park Entrance gateway. Turn left on Five Mile Road and park in the designated area at the end of the track. Keep a look out for wildlife on the road and for opportunities to get a closer look at the wallabies, kangaroos and emus wandering freely in their natural habitat. The image on the top of the page is the view to Corner Inlet from an area close to the summit of this rocky outcrop. Once you are at the Five Mile Road Car Park, there is a choice of several tracks, including the easy walk to Millers Landing (on the beach) and Link Track Walk. Most of these photograph were taken only a few short months after the bush fires and beautiful and plentiful regrowth is evident, along with flourishing wildlife.
Vereker Outlook Walking Track – For the first kilometre or so, the walking is easy through the coastal banksias and grass trees. It gets a little steeper further along as you clamber up through the granite boulders, but there is so much to see along the way that you’ll barely notice the climb. As you turn around some of the corners, the topography changes dramatically from the open heathland to stringybark forest and then up various natural rock staircases to the top of Vereker Outlook. There is a diverse range of native Australian flora including masses of grass trees (Xanthorea species) and flowering plants. You can still see the evidence of the bush fires several years ago and how some areas were hit harder than others, but most areas appeared to have flourished since the burn. This would be a great place to take a picnic lunch or a thermos of hot chocolate as the 360 degree views are superb, and the overhanging rocks provide shelter from winds and rain.
Pictures Taken at Vereker Outlook Wilsons Prom – Included on this page are photographs of native Australian plants, animals, kangaroo, wallaby, rock formations, sunsets, fungi, native shrubs and other flora. All images have been taken in the unique, unspoilt, natural environment at Wilsons Promontory National Park in South Gippsland, Victoria, Australia.
Downloading Photographs – These images and many more are available under a special license. To find out how easy it is to download and use them legally, just go to the Contact page.
More Information – If you would like to find out more about Wilsons Promontory National Park, see photographs and a listing of other walking tracks, go to the Wilsons Promontory Walking Tracks page. Every one of these tracks are well-signed and very well maintained by Parks Victoria. For more information, please use our convenient Search Page.

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